Today I'll tell you about my new routine...
She is my boss, Dra. Sandra Krieger |
On February 18 I did a job interview at Krieger Advogados Associados as a Secretary. It was in the morning. Well, in the afternoon I already started to work. Now I'm here! It's a law firm. Here has seven lawyers (Dra. Sandra, Dr. João Gabriel, Dra. Bianca, Dra. Juliana, Dra. Patrícia (today is her birthday), Dr. Fábio and Dr. Leandro), four trainees (Pablo, João Vitor, Mariana and Lucas) and a woman for financial (Vanessa). But there was a little problem: the job is in other citty (the same I study - Blumenau) and I lived in Ascurra with my parents. I woke at six in the morning and I took the bus to arrive at work at 08:40 a.m. My schedule begins 08:20 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m. After work I go to college, also by bus. The buses in Blumenau at 6 p.m. are c-r-a-z-y, because everybody wants to go to college (FURB). It's very dangerous, because if, for example, the bus can fit about 100 people inside, in this schedule go about 200 people! Sometimes someone gets stuck in the door or hurt.

A few weeks later my boyfriend and I moved to Blumenau. The building is in front of FURB. Now I can wake up 07 a.m. and I arrive by bus at Krieger between 5 and 10 minutes (It depends how much I hope in the "bus stop"). My boyfriend picks me by motorcicle always (less Friday, because he comes by car and the traffic is terrible - so I go by bus). The classes starts at 6:30 p.m. Sometimes I can take a shower and eat, but sometimes there's no time. At weekends we (my boyfriend and me) back home to see our parents in Ascurra and Rodeio.
This is a map from Google, you can see my path. |
At FURB is everything ok. Last week I attended a lecture by a foreigner. Now I don't remember which country he is, but I'll post something about it. I think his name is Albert and he already speaks Portuguese. Today I have a difficult consulting work to present to my class, I'm a little nervous, but I'm studying a lot! My friends Melissa, Jaqueline, Débora and me created a consulting company (CMDJ Consultoria Empresarial) and a client (Fritz Têxtil).
Well, I want to write a lot in my blog, but sometimes I don't have time. I'll try always to enter here to see your blogs!! Hugs..