30 junho, 2014

Italian, German or, after all, Brazilian?

Postado por Camila Rafaela Felippi às 6/30/2014 01:27:00 PM 7 comentários
One more semester of school is over. The third semester. I've never been so happy to finish a season of studies. It was a very difficult period. I don’t know why. Maybe I didn’t adapt myself to the new city yet. Blumenau is very different from Ascurra. I miss a lot Ascurra. Of course Blumenau is better in several respects, for example, here is all: supermarket, pharmacy, shops, my college and my job. But it's hard to be surrounded of German nationality when I grew with the Italian dialect. And I'm not talking about the accent. People are very different. In Ascurra everyone knows each other. You go out in the street and talk with many people. You can leave your house with your gate open. You know even the dogs in your whole neighborhood. You can speak with “R or L pulled” (how we say, like Spanish people) and nobody will make fun this. I felt very safe there and when I moved to Blumenau many things changed. It’s very strange to me walking down the street and don’t have anyone to talk to.

Now things are getting better. I already know the drivers and conductors of buses. I always gave a good morning to board in the bus and now they look at me already waiting my good morning. And there's also the janitor. Sometimes, in the morning, I find him cleaning the lobby of the building.
At college the things wasn’t good. I didn’t like some teachers and some subjects. And about the oral presentation, thank you for your good wishes, I was really happy with your comments! My score was 10. 
Because of the college I disappeared from the blog. All the teachers were crazy and gave us a lot of homework. One of this was a business plan. In a team of four, we had to create the organizational part, financial, human resources, marketing, strategic analysis and competition from a company that we had to create. So we create an Italian delivery food called NonnaMangiare. It was so hard.
I never felt disheartened before. I had studied about it and I thought it was something like dismay. But it is somewhat different. What's worse: I don’t know why. What makes me happy now is get home, lie down with my boyfriend and my guinea pigs to watch novel. Maybe it was because in recent days I've had so many homework and tests that have left me very stressed. Or it’s age. Friday is my nineteenth birthday. And what's the best? Brazil will play Friday because of the World Cup, that’s why I'll leave my job three hours before. I can go home. I can go to Ascurra.

This is the video we did! Who speaks here is my two 
grandmothers and my boyfriend's grandfather
in our Italian dialect

03 junho, 2014

Oral Presentation

Postado por Camila Rafaela Felippi às 6/03/2014 04:04:00 PM 13 comentários
Last week my teacher gave to my class a difficult homework:  make a presentation in English in front of the class. I really don’t have problems with presentations because of my High School. But it changes when I have to change my language.  It’s easy to speak in Portuguese, because even I don’t know well the subject, I can improve. But in my second language it’s not so easy.
We could choose a subject involving Business. We have at least 5 minutes and no more than 7 minutes, but without readings, no way! I searched a lot and I decided to speak about Public Speak. What could be better? I found a good and easy text to study. The title is: “6 Things You Should Never Say During a Speech” by Jacqueline Whitmore.

I’ll explain it:
When you’re new to public speaking, it can be difficult to say everything you want to say. That’s why a lot of people never want to speak on public. But, in true, the content of the speech is often less important than how you present it. When we attend presentations by speakers who appear calm, confident and organized, we feel more interested. Even if you’re nervous, it’s better to act confident and to try to not reveal your true feelings. The trick is to stay as calm as possible and to try to do your best.
1. One thing you shouldn’t say during a presentation is “Hello? Can everyone hear me?” A lot of new speakers will tap the microphone and ask if the people can hear them. In Brazil we say “Alô, testando, 1,2,3…”. If you’re speaking at a large conference, there’s a good chance that someone in the audiovisual department already checked the audio. But it’s always a good idea to check it before you go to speak. You shouldn’t think that your equipment will or won’t work correctly. Arrive early to check everything out so you will be better prepared.
2. Other thing is “Are you out there? These lights are bright.” When you’re on stage, the lights can be very strong and you become blind, but no one needs to know you can’t see anyone. Just speak into the dark and give the best presentation you can. Alternate where you direct your attention to give everyone the impression you’re looking right at them.
3. Never start your presentation with an excuse like “They only invited me yesterday” or “I didn’t have much time to prepare”. The people listening to your presentation are expecting you to do your best, independently of how you feel or how much time you’ve had to prepare. If you don’t have a lot of time to practice, choose a topic that’s familiar to you. If you don’t feel well, keep calm and stay hydrated.
4. “In the future, I plan to…” If your new product is still in production, try not to tell anyone. Your plans could change. Most new products and ideas will change and evolve based on new information and feedback. Tell about your new designs, products and offers when they’re ready. Most people don’t want to hear about your hopes for the next five years. They only want to hear about what is available to them right now.
5. Don’t use “Um,” “uh,” “you know,” and “like.” Using these words often takes away from the effectiveness of your presentation. They are also distracting and make you sound unsure about what you’re going to say next. Try pausing if you have to think of the right word. Or tell a story. This words oftentimes vanish when you get involved telling a story. Besides, people will remember a good story after they’ve heard you speak. Not be nervous thinking in what your boss, colleagues or family will think about what you say wrong. Be calm and do your best.  
6. “Hmm, the font is small.  Let me read this slide for you.” A visual presentation full of words is boring. Use pictures, short phrases and bullet points are ideal. Try not to read your slides. Everyone came to see you speak, to share your ideas, not hear you read. Any visuals you choose to bring should only serve to make better your speech. Remember, people came to see you, not your PowerPoint presentation.

The presentation is today at night! I know the subject. Now it’s time to stay calm and I hope everything will be ok!

