Hello everybody,
I'm sorry for my disappearance. After college started my time is up!
I have much news to tell:
In the middle of this month (April) I'll have a new job. These are my last days at my current job. Later I'll tell you the details of the new company. What I can say is that my new position will be "executive advisor". I'm really happy (:

Another news is that my parents adopted a dog. My mother was very sad after Lilica died. She wanted to buy a German Spitz (small and furry) and my father wanted a street dog (small and short hair). In the end they decided to wait. Then last week Luna arrived in our lives! She doesn't have a mommy and is only twenty days old. Can you imagine how small she is? My mother told me on a Wednesday, but I just saw her on Saturday, I knew she was little, but she's still lower. I imagine she has a 10 inches long (not counting the tail). You can complete it with the picture - she fits in the palm of my hand! As she is very small she needs to drink milk. Then my father bought a baby bottle and a special milk for her. She is stronger every day.
Anyway, as always, I have just a short time here. I promise I will try to write more on the blog and visit you. I wish you all a Happy Easter with love, prosperity, and also (a lot of) chocolate ;)
14 comentários:
We missed you and your posts. Congratulations on your new job. Also, another congratulations on the new arrival in your family.
I'm sorry to hear about Lilica.
What a sweet and adorable puppy! Congratulations on your new job!
how cute puppy!! We have two dogs, Mouska (female) and Ares (a boy)
Mouska is sweet and Ares is a crazy!!
Hope you have a lovely and happy Easter!!!
congrats on your new job and your new family pet!
What a beautiful post and picture to return with. Love to little Luna...XxX
Oi Camila, até que em fim vc voltou, vim varias vezes aqui, e não te achava, mas hoje fiquei feliz qd agorinha abri meu blog e vi o seu comentário lá. Amei. Luna é linda e com certeza vai suprir um pouco a falta de Lilica. Eu estou bem, só esperando para mudar de residência. Hoje até já embalei muitas coisas. Mas a mudança, se não for ainda esse mês provavelmente será em Maio. Meu desejo é que seja logo. Desejo que Deus te abençoe no seu novo emprego e na nova função. Inteligente como vc é se saíra muito bem. Entendo sua ausência, tem que se dedicar mesmo aos estudos e ainda mais no trabalho. Bjs minha linda.
Há! Camila, ia me esquecendo no mês passado tive o privilégio de conhecer pessoalmente uma blogueira, o que me deixou muito feliz. Conheci Anete do blog Vida e plenitude. Que mora em Brasilia, mas é q de Recife como eu. E vindo a Recife quis me conhecer. Veja as postagens anteriores do blog Pedaços de mim que vc vai ver nosso encontro. Tchau!
how kind of ur parents! the pup looks really cute :)
Oh my...how cute! It's nice to hear from you again.
Cute pup. Congrats on the new job. Fun paw prints!
congratulations all around! life is busy and we must prioritize - be happy! and enjoy your new job and puppy!
He Is an adorable puppy! Lots of work though, your parents are brave to take on this special fur baby! Congratulations on your new job.
Welcome back! Hope you enjoy playing with the new dog - and then you can let your parents deal with any mess!!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
So wonderful to hear your latest news, to learn of the latest edition to your family. Your parents must be such special people to take in such a young puppy.
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