23 outubro, 2013

Brazilian Restaurant

Postado por Camila Rafaela Felippi às 10/23/2013 07:35:00 AM
- Good Evening Mr. Lerry.
- Good Evening Camila. I’m so glad to be here to know the culture. It includes the food.
- Yes! You will love this restaurant!
- Ok, but… I don’t understand Portuguese…
- Don’t worry! I will help you with the menu.
- Really? Thanks a lot! Well, what do you recommend?
- I recommend arroz de carreteiro. This is a typical rice dish from de South of Brazil, with shredded or chopped sun-dried, beef, sausage, garlic, onion, tomato, parsley and chives with azeite de dendê. Azeite de dendê is an oil extracted from the fruit of a palm tree from Brazilian Northeast, used intypical  dishes  in Bahia.
Arroz de carreteiro
- It sounds delicious! What else? I’m looking… What is cachaça?
- It’s a high alcohol content rum, made from cereals, root vegetables and fruit. But you would try caipirinha.
- I’ve heard a lot about caipirinha, but, what is it?
- Caipirinha is a cocktail made from cachaça, lime and sugar. It’s a typical Brazilian drink.
- I want to try it  now! After I will ask for the food!
- Ok. I will call the waiter! Waiter, please?
Waiter: What would you like to eat and drink?
- Two glasses of caipirinha, please.
Waiter: One moment!
 -So Mr. Lerry, do you wanna eat arroz de carreteiro with azeite de dendê?
- Yes! And the meat? What? I would like to eat some fish…
- If you would  like fish, you can eat caldeirada de peixe, that is a fish stew, with various types of fish and shellfish. Or if you prefer there is camarões marinados. It’s potted shrimps.
- I prefer the various types of fish and shellfish. And some drinks… I want a dessert too!
- Well… Let me see… Brigadeiro is delicious!
- Tell me…
- It’s round sweet made from condensed milk, butter and chocolate, covered with granulated chocolate!
Waiter Excuse me, your drinks!
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
Waiter: Would you like something else?
- Yes. We want two arroz carreteiro, azeite de dendê, caldeirada  de peixe and brigadeiro.
Waiter: Yes, and to drink?
- What do you prefer Mr. Lerry?
- I prefer sparkling water!
- Two, please!
Waiter: That’s ok!
- I want to eat right now! I’m so hungry…
- Me too! I hope you like Brazilian food!
- I will like for sure


5 comentários:

Nal Pontes on 10/23/2013 8:05 AM disse...

Oi Camila, boa postagem e interessante, gosto muito de peixe, se deixar eu como todos os dias. Fiz tec em contabilidade, foi a minha profissão, mas também fiz magistério e só usei mesmo na igreja na escola dominical com crianças que me dediquei desde os meus 16 anos e só este ano é que deixei de ensinar isso com dor no coração. Durante todos esses anos apenas acho que uns 5 anos é que ensinei adultos, Isso na igreja. È muito bom ensinar agente aprende mais do que ensina. Para ensinar basta ter o dom e deixar o amor fluir. Parabéns pela faculdade vá em frente e vc saberá qual o seu caminho. Te desejo um dia maravilhoso. bjssss

Leovi on 10/23/2013 2:21 PM disse...

Vaya, estas consiguiendo que se me despierte el apetito, sin duda me gustaría probar el Arroz de carreteiro. Esos Brigadeiros se parecen mucho a las trufas de chocolate!

Liz Albuquerque on 10/25/2013 10:53 AM disse...

here in Brazil we do have amazing food, dont we :D

The Red Lil' Shoes Blog

Lisabella Russo on 10/25/2013 11:41 PM disse...

Wonderful! I love how you've conveyed the feeling of being there. What a treat!

Margie on 10/31/2013 7:52 PM disse...

And now I am hungry.
Thanks for the visit and follows
Yes, I have a Golden Retriever , my best pal, his name is Jake.

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