08 outubro, 2013

My feed!

Postado por Camila Rafaela Felippi às 10/08/2013 06:21:00 AM
Breakfast: An apple, a glass of juice, sometimes bread with ham or cheese bread (I love it!)
I don`t like coffee.

Lunch: On weekdays I eat with my grandmother: rice, beans, pasta, meat (chicken ou fish), cassava, potato, lettuce, carrot, cabbage, beet, cucumber, cauviflower and cole. As dessert:  fruit salad, usually with apple, orange, papaya and banana, or we eat canned peaches, canned pineaple or canned fig.
On weekends: Saturday I eat with my parents. I eat French fries, tomato, lettuce, cabbage, meat (chicken), quiche or lasagna and rice. As dessert I eat fruit salad or pudding (chocolate, strawberry, cream, caramel...). 
Sunday: I eat with my boyfriend`s family. We eat rice, beans, meat (chicken or fish), tomato, lettuce and bean stick. As dessert we eat ice cream.

Dinner: On weekdays I eat on the bus going to FURB. I eat with my boyfriend. We usually eat fruit like apples, green apples, peach, banana, pear or plum. When I arrive home sometimes I eat some more fruit too, or I just drink juice.
On weekends: Saturday I eat pizza and as dessert I eat ice cream and Sunday I eat hot dogs.

2 comentários:

Ritinha on 10/08/2013 7:30 AM disse...

Bom dia!
Tudo muto bom por aqui, gostei do jeito do seu blog e do jeito em que usa o que aprende no curso, no inglês e espanhol. Perfeita harmonia.
Por sorte estudei na faculdade de letras ingles/latim, assim entendo tudo muito bem.
Gostei dessa sua deliciosa iniciativa.
Muito sucesso pra vc!

Unknown on 10/14/2013 7:09 AM disse...

Queria eu gostar assim de frutas... kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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