12 dezembro, 2014

Naquy, my sister dog

Postado por Camila Rafaela Felippi às 12/12/2014 11:21:00 AM
Naquy before the surgery: she couldn't
stretch her legs
I already wrote about Naquy here on the blog, but I will talk about her again. In March (2015) Naquy will complete 14 years old. I'm 19, so as you can see we are together most part of my life. Years ago she had a terrible disease. Veterinarians didn’t know what it was. Until one day it was discovered: a bone disease. Fortunately we found the perfect remedy. Naquy still takes this remedy today and will have to take it forever. If not, she stops to walk and feels much pain. Years passed and she formed calluses on front legs (as you can see on the photo).

Earlier this year she had a bad cold and the vet did a general checkup. He said the callus became an open fracture and she had to be operated. I was afraid. She's an old lady for surgeries and also she’s so small and sensitive. Her surgery was last Thursday and I only saw her the next day. She was completely "plateau". Luckily she has improved a lot. She isn’t walking yet because she hasn’t confidence in his new legs, but with time everything will get better!
Naquy after the surgery with her legs stretched, still with
bandages and fleeced hair 

8 comentários:

Christine on 12/12/2014 11:55 AM disse...

She is sooo cute!

Ankita on 12/12/2014 1:08 PM disse...

Awww! she is damn adorable! <3

anne marie in philly on 12/12/2014 4:57 PM disse...

pretty girl!

Lisabella Russo on 12/12/2014 7:16 PM disse...

What a sweet little pup she is. How wonderful that you've shared so much together. I hope her little paws are feeling much better soon.

Nal Pontes on 12/12/2014 9:13 PM disse...

Que lindinha, e mais ainda uma doce guerrerinha. Amei seu comentário lá no meu cantinho, não precisa mesmo ter medo da morte, pois a Bíblia diz que o perfeito amor lança fora o medo. E este amor chama-se Deus. Qd depositamos nossa confiança nEle o medo vai embora. Que bom que vai ficar um bom tempo com a sua família e ficar um pouco mais com sua mãe e avó. Beijinhos prá elas.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) on 12/12/2014 10:40 PM disse...

Oh...what a sweetie. She's so beautiful. And how wonderful that you've literally grown up together.

SG on 12/12/2014 11:18 PM disse...

Very cute. Hope she fully recovers soon,

Unknown on 12/16/2014 1:07 PM disse...

Ouch. Looks painful. I hope she makes a full recovery.

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