22 julho, 2014


Postado por Camila Rafaela Felippi às 7/22/2014 02:02:00 PM
Maybe we are close to having a new economic crisis. Of course not as big as the 1920’s. Do you have many coins in your purse? Do you have a fat piggy at home? In my case no. I even have one piggy, but there is only a shirt button.
Another day I went to the supermarket to buy a few things. As usual I always use the food card. My company pays this card. I gain as worth R$250 per month in this card and it can only be used on the market to buy food. When I showed the card to the man, he smiled and said: “Coins?” Then I showed him the card again and he said: “You can shoot the value with coins. Do you have coins? We don’t. And we really need.”
The man told me that this year more than half of purchases are paid by credit or debit card. This is a big problem for all commerce. So, all employees ask (or should ask) the customers if they have coins. He told that there are few people who have and those that have, have few. I had forty-five cents. It seems very little, but if all people can exchange a few coins, in the end the supermarket will have many.

12 comentários:

anne marie in philly on 7/22/2014 7:47 PM disse...

I carry no cash/coins at all. I pay with my debit card.

Lisabella Russo on 7/22/2014 8:25 PM disse...

You are so sweet and thoughtful! I use coins sometimes, they tend to accumulate and when there is enough of them I trade them in at the machine at the market...

SG on 7/22/2014 9:48 PM disse...

You are very thoughtful. In USA, almost everyone uses debit/credit cards.

I have an interesting story about India. If the shopkeeper does not have small change, he would give one or two toffees instead. But if we are short of small change, he will not accept the same toffee from us.

Pat Hatt on 7/22/2014 11:09 PM disse...

I barely ever have coins on me, sometimes some bills, but most is paid with cards

Christine on 7/22/2014 11:18 PM disse...

I always have cash and credit cards.

Crista on 7/23/2014 9:30 PM disse...

Minha linda...
Estou voltando e espero poder te visitar sempre.

Nal Pontes on 7/24/2014 10:05 AM disse...

Oi Camila, bom vim aqui de novo, amei sua doce visita nos meus cantinhos.
Eu sempre guardo moedas para passagens no ônibus, tento, Mas dinheiro mesmo não dá prá andar com ele, não. Não é seguro, Um bom dia amiga. Bjs

Unknown on 7/24/2014 9:44 PM disse...

I am guilty of paying with plastic. I never have coins or cash on me because I am afraid of spending.

Felicity Grace Terry on 7/26/2014 9:57 AM disse...

My friends joke with me that I'm like the Queen as I never have any cash on me.

Nal Pontes on 7/30/2014 7:40 AM disse...

Oi Camila, vi seu comentário lá no meu cantinho Jesus meu porto seguro. A frase "Porque o salário do pecado é a morte, mas o DOM gratuito de Deus é a vida eterna, por Cristo Jesus nosso Senhor. Romanos 6:23 é um texto da Bíblia. A palavra DOM significa presente de Deus. (Jesus é o presente de Deus para nós. Bonito não é? bjsss desejo um dia lindo prá vc.

sarah on 7/31/2014 5:50 AM disse...

We have to make proper use of some cards to buy something cheaper at supermarket or department store. It's complicated because privilege of cards differ depend on day or place.
Enjoy Summer!

Nal Pontes on 8/04/2014 9:46 AM disse...

Oi Camila, vim aqui te desejar um dia maravilhoso.bjsss

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