"Intelligent, busy and curious, the German Spitz is lovably independent. But it craves attention and playtime, sometimes responding by standing on its hind legs and barking happily.
The German Spitz can grow very attached to its owner, becoming slightly suspicious of strangers. This not only makes for a loyal, tried-and-true companion, it makes for a superb watchdog. The German Spitz can really belt-out the barks when a stranger approaches the house.
Things you should know:
The German Spitz can live as long as 15 years with relatively few genetic health problems. They are fairly easy to groom, needing just a good brushing several times a week to prevent matting. The German Spitz needs daily exercise, but it will be happy with a little or a lot. If you’re a dedicated jogger, it will match your pace. If you prefer quiet walks around the block, the German Spitz will be happy with that as well.
German Spitz History:
European Spitz-type dogs have been in existence for more than 6,000 years. Up until the 19th century, the adaptable German Spitz was bred to be a hunter, herder and watchdog. Over the years, different communities bred different types of Spitz dogs, including Giant German Spitz (for working, herding and guarding) and the Toy German Spitz (for companionship).
The look of a German Spitz:
Medium-sized, sturdy and fluffy with a slightly rounded, wedge-shaped head, straight muzzle and pointy ears, the German Spitz has a fox-like appearance. It has dark eyes with an alert and outgoing expression. Its coat is rough, profuse and puffy, while its feathered tail curls over the back. The German Spitz comes in many colors, but the most common are gray, orange, off-white, brown and black. Overall, the German Spitz has a proud and lively look."
Source: Dogster
2 comentários:
Oi, Camila!
Obrigada por visitar meu blog :)
Eu estava cursando Engenharia, mas larguei tudo pra fazer Pedagogia, que era um sonho de infância e me deu essa loucura de de repente querer ser corajosa e arriscar viver meus sonhos.
Gostei que tu escreve em inglês por aqui, tô lendo teus posts. Também gosto muito de inglês, tudo que sei aprendi sozinha. Achei interessantíssimo o curso que você faz também.
Ah, sua cadelinha é um amorzinho! Eu tenho uma yorkshire, a Sophie :)
Acho essa raça super fofinha! :D
Eu tenho um maltês e eles são super carinhosos e amigos <3
Beijos minha linda! :)
Dê uma olhada na repaginada que eu dei no blog e me dê sua opinião.
Ps: Está rolando uma TAG lá no blog de "Participe do blog". Entra e se se interessar participa! ^-^
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